We can create a Docker on Ubuntu Server in Azure, and then pull image from hub.docker.com.
Launch an Azure instance
- Open the Portal in Azure at https://portal.azure.com
- Click Virtual Machines on left sidebar.
- Click “+ ADD” to create a new instance
- Type “docker” in search box, and select ”Docker on Ubuntu Server”
- Click “Create” on the introduction page
- Fill your host name, user name, authentication.
- Click Pricing Tier, and choise A2 or A3
- Click “create” to create the instance
Connect to the instance
- Open the Portal in Azure at https://portal.azure.com
- Click All resources on left sidebar.
- Select your “Virtual machine (classic)” or “Cloud service”
- find Public IP addresses in “Overview”
- Login via command “ssh your-username@public-ip” in *nix or using putty for windows
Start a docker container
Most of the related application are already installed, you can also install other apps with command “apt-get”.
For example:
sudo apt-get install git
and then execute
git clone https://bitbucket.org/realsunlab/bigdata-bootcamp.git
to clone related data.
You can start docker with command
docker run -it --privileged=true -m 4096m -h bootcamp1.docker -v $HOME/bigdata-bootcamp:/home/ec2-user/bigdata-bootcamp sunlab/bigdata:0.04.1 /bin/bash
Please follow this guide to start and stop services.
You may use tmux to make your life better.