If we want to start this environment, we should
There is an official tutorial for docker here: https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/mac/
Please note that if you currently have VirtualBox version 5.x.x installed on your machine, you will need to downgrade to version 4.3 on OS X. To do this uninstall VirtualBox with the uninstaller that came with it. If you receive an error stating that there are virtual boxes that are still running, go to the terminal and type in
$ ps-ae | grep
to see which virtual boxes are still running. To kill all the running virtual boxes type in
$ killall -9 VBoxHeadless
OSX users can also install Docker via HomeBrew
$ brew install Caskroom/cask/virtualbox
$ brew install docker-machine
$ brew install docker
To keep the Docker service active, we can use brew's service manager
$ brew services start docker-machine
==> Successfully started `docker-machine` (label: homebrew.mxcl.docker-machine)
check the status:
$ brew services list
Name Status User Plist
docker-machine started name /Users/name/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.docker-machine.plist
We can create a default instance as this link: https://docs.docker.com/machine/reference/create/
$ docker-machine create --driver virtualbox --virtualbox-memory 4096 default
At least 4GB memory for vm is required.
Execute the following command before using other docker commands.
$ eval $(docker-machine env default)
For OS X you might need to type in the following to get into the ec2 in the next step:
$ eval "$(docker-machine env default)"
Just simply install
$ sudo yum install docker
$ sudo service docker start
$ chkconfig docker on
# systemctl status docker.service -l
SELinux is not supported with the BTRFS graph driver!
Modify /etc/sysconfig/docker as follow:
# Modify these options if you want to change the way the docker daemon runs
Restart your docker service
[graphdriver] using prior storage driver \"btrfs\"...
Just delete directory /var/lib/docker and restart docker service
NOT TESTED Please refer to: https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/linux/ubuntulinux/
NOT TESTED Please refer to: https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/windows/
docker run -it --privileged=true -m 4096m -h bootcamp1.docker sunlab/bigdata:0.05 /bin/bash
docker run -it --privileged=true -m 4096m -p 2222:22 -p 8888:8888 -p 8889:8889 -h bootcamp1.docker sunlab/bigdata:0.04.1 /bin/bash
If you receive an error here that states Cannot connect to the Docker daemon use
$eval "$(docker-machine env default)"
Then retype the docker run -it above and it will expose three ports: 22, 8888, 8889 to host environment
-p host-port:vm-port
means you will visit host-port
in your host environment and it will forward the message to vm-port
in docker container. You can change this parameter host-port
if you meet error like "port already in use".
Each vm-port
is linked to:
8888 - Jupyter Notebook
8889 - Zeppelin Notebook
After you run Docker and start services as Step 2, you can access each Notebook with your web browser via:
You just need to visit "localhost:8888", or other port number if you changed host-port
You should get the Docker's IP first with command as follow:
$ printenv | grep "DOCKER_HOST"
then, you can visit or , or
you changed.
sudo service sshd start
sudo service zookeeper-server start
sudo service hadoop-yarn-proxyserver start
sudo service hadoop-hdfs-namenode start
sudo service hadoop-hdfs-datanode start
sudo service hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager start
sudo service hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver start
sudo service hadoop-yarn-nodemanager start
sudo service spark-worker start
sudo service spark-master start
sudo service hbase-regionserver start
sudo service hbase-master start
sudo service hbase-thrift start
If you have chosen 0.04.1 to use zeppelin, start one more service
sudo service zeppelin start
To use Jupyter Notebook:
jupyter notebook --ip=
parameter --ip=
makes Jupyter allow you to visit this service via your web browser and it will open a web service listening port 8888.
You can stop services if you want:
sudo service zookeeper-server stop
sudo service hadoop-yarn-proxyserver stop
sudo service hadoop-hdfs-namenode stop
sudo service hadoop-hdfs-datanode stop
sudo service hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager stop
sudo service hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver stop
sudo service hadoop-yarn-nodemanager stop
sudo service spark-worker stop
sudo service spark-master stop
sudo service hbase-regionserver stop
sudo service hbase-master stop
sudo service hbase-thrift stop
and if you used Zeppelin,
sudo service zeppelin stop
To detach instance for keeping it up,
ctrl + p, ctrl + q
To exit,
If you detached a instance and want to attach again,
check the CONTAINER ID
of it.
$ docker ps -a
c6b265ebd7d2 sunlab/bigdata:0.04.1 "/tini -- /bin/bash" 9 minutes ago Up 4 seconds>8888-8889/tcp,>22/tcp berserk_hypatia
cd6b3e243157 sunlab/bigdata:0.04.1 "/tini -- /bin/bash" 23 minutes ago Created loving_hoover
92169a84b9a1 sunlab/bigdata:0.04.1 "/tini -- /bin/bash" 2 hours ago Exited (0) 22 minutes ago peaceful_franklin
Then attach it by:
$ docker attach <CONTAINER ID or NAMES>
If you want to permanently remove instance
$ docker rm <CONTAINER ID or NAMES>