Docker Compose


This is an optional section. Docker Compose is just a utility, which does NOT affect the functionality of the docker image and our course.

You can simply ignore it if you believe the docker commands are enough.

Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. We can write a simple docker-compose.yml file as configure file, and launch a docker container as a service easily.

This means you can fix all your parameters in your configure file, and start/stop them using more biref commands.

Official Guides

Install Docker Compose

If you are a Windows/macOS user, the docker-compose should installed with your docker application.

If this command is missing in your machine

# docker-compose
-bash: docker-compose: command not found

It is also pretty easy.

Please visit the Docker Compose Release Page, following the guide and download the latest binary release.

Create A docker-compose.yml

You can go to an empty folder in somewhere, and create a text file named as docker-compose.yml. The content may as follow:

version: '3'

    image: sunlab/bigbox:latest
    hostname: bootcamp
    domainname: local
    restart: "no"
    # Volumes section defined the mappings between host machine and
    # virtual machine.
    # ":" split each element into 2 parts
    # the left part is the folder in host machine
    # the right part is the folder in virtual machine
    # docker-compose support relative path
    # Please refer to
    # for more detail if you are interested
      - ./data/logs:/var/log
      - ./data/host:/mnt/host
      - CONTAINER=docker
    # /scripts/ will start all the services
    # and then finally listen to port 22.
    command: [ "/scripts/" ]
    # Ports section defined a few rules and forward the network
    # stream between host machine and vm.
    # As the rules in volumes section
    # The left part is for your host machine.
    # This means you can visit localhost:2333
    # and then get the response from the app
    # listening port 22 in docker container 
      - "2333:22"
      - "7077:7077" # spark
      - "4040:4040"
      - "4041:4041"
      - "8888:8888"
      # - "8983:8983" # for solr

Here is a example.

Basic Operation

Similar to other parts. If you are a linux user, you should always add an 'sudo' before the command docker-compose.

Up and Down, Start and Stop. How to control the virtual environment

If you wish to create and start the container(s).

docker-compose up

This command will search the configure file docker-compose.yml or docker-compose.yaml in current folder, and start the corresponding services.

It will pull the image described in the yml file if there is no local cache. Otherwise it will create a container through local image.

In this case, if you close the terminal, the service may be stopped but not destroyed.

You an pass a parameter -d. This parameter indices the docker-compose will run the containers in the background after started.

Please type the following command for more introduction.

docker-compose help up

If you wish to clearly terminate everything. You may type

docker-compose down

This command will stops containers and removes containers, networks, volumes, and images created by up.

Everything inside the container are vanished.

If you have a container created. You may use docker-compose start/stop/restart to start/stop/restart the service. The container will stay over there

Run, Exec and SSH. How to access the environment

docker-compose run bootcamp bash

run will launch a brand new container based on the configuration. bootcamp is name of the service in the config. This may useful in debugging or somewhere else, but may not fit for this course.

docker-compose exec bootcamp bash

exec will reuse the container and execute a specific command. The command is bash in this case. You should make sure the service is already started before typing this command.

You can also access the environment through SSH.

We have also initialized the SSH RSA Keys here.

curl -o bigbox-private-key
chmod 0600 bigbox-private-key # prevent error: Permissions 0644 for './bigbox-private-key' are too open.
ssh -p 2333 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i bigbox-private-key root@

If you are running your docker compose in remote. This identity file may unsafe. You can generate a pair by yourself.

[root@bootcamp ~]# rm -rf ~/.ssh/
[root@bootcamp ~]# ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa):
Created directory '/root/.ssh'.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): # type enter here
Enter same passphrase again: # type enter here again
Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:2NYgKW6bCmLvFPAug868hXBAIW6PhWlJeRK6LeYCHJ0 root@bootcamp.local
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 2048]----+
|.=+              |
|*o=..  .         |
|oXoE. o .        |
|++B. . + o       |
|=+o+o . S .      |
|*oo..o .         |
|=* +o            |
|B.*.             |
| =+o             |
[root@bootcamp ~]# cd .ssh/
[root@bootcamp .ssh]# cp authorized_keys
[root@bootcamp .ssh]# chmod 0600 authorized_keys
[root@bootcamp .ssh]# ls -alh
total 20K
drwx------ 2 root root 4.0K Jun 20 08:42 .
dr-xr-x--- 1 root root 4.0K Jun 20 08:41 ..
-rw------- 1 root root  401 Jun 20 08:42 authorized_keys
-rw------- 1 root root 1.7K Jun 20 08:41 id_rsa
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  401 Jun 20 08:41

You may copy the id_rsa file to local as your key file.


Logs for Hadoop Ecosystem

You may noticed, the sample docker-compose.yml mapped the folder from /var/log in vm to ./data/logs in physical machine. You may simply check the files in your folder ./data/logs.

Logs from docker container

You may trace it using command:

docker-compose logs -f --tail=100