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WebEx Office Hour

We will host office hour(40 mins per person) through WebEx or bluejean Weekly. Email him/her if you have trouble to join the meeting. See below table for detailed schedule For on-campus students, we will hold office hours right after lectures. Please find the corresponding TA regular duties on Piazza, if you have any question, email him/her when needed.

PhotoNameTime (EST)Location or Web Link
minipicJimeng Sun, instructor jsunhello ATworld cc.gatech.eduRequest by email
minipicMing Liu , PhD, TA mliu302hello ATworld gatech.eduTues 10AMhttps://gatech.webex.com/meet/mliu302
minipicBalaji Sundaresan, TA bsundaresan3hello ATworld gatech.eduThu 8PMhttps://gatech.webex.com/meet/bsundaresan3
minipicSungtae An, Sunlab PhD, TA stan84hello ATworld gatech.eduTues 3PMhttps://gatech.webex.com/meet/san37
minipicSu Young Park, MS, TA spark638hello ATworld gatech.eduThur 12PMhttps://gatech.webex.com/meet/spark638
minipicYu Jing, TA yujinghello ATworld gatech.eduBy Emailhttps://gatech.webex.com/meet/yjing43
minipicRishabh Bhardwaj, MS, TA rbhardwaj39hello ATworld gatech.eduFri 2PMhttps://gatech.webex.com/meet/rbhardwaj39
minipicBin Xie, MS, TA bin.xiehello ATworld gatech.eduWed 2PMhttps://gatech.webex.com/meet/bxie41
minipicQianzhen Li, MS, TA qli365hello ATworld gatech.eduMon 2PMhttps://gatech.webex.com/meet/qli365